Ghurar al-Hikam

Akalim of Amirul Mumineen Maulana Ali (AS)

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Akalim of Amirul Mumineen Maulana Ali (AS)

The Liar

3. The furthest of all people from goodness is the incessant liar and the brazen-faced.

3. The furthest of all people from goodness is the incessant liar and the brazen-faced.

3 أبْعَدُ النّاسِ مِنَ الصَّلاحِ اَلكَذُوبُ وذُوالوَجْهِ الوَقاحِ.

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1. The [one who is known to be a] incessant liar is suspected in his speech, even if his proof is strong and his tone is truthful.

1. The [one who is known to be a] incessant liar is suspected in his speech, even if his proof is strong and his tone is truthful.

1 اَلكَذَّابُ مُتَّهَمٌ في قَوْلِهِ، وإنْ قَوِيَتْ حُجَّتُهُ، وصَدَقَتْ لَهْجَتُهُ.

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2. The incessant liar and the dead are similar, for indeed (or because) the merit of the living over the dead is the ability to rely on him, so if his words are not reliable then [it is as if] his life is nullified.

2. The incessant liar and the dead are similar, for indeed (or because) the merit of the living over the dead is the ability to rely on him, so if his words are not reliable then [it is as if] his life is nullified.

2 اَلكَذّابُ والمَيِّتُ سَواءٌ، فَإنَّ (لأنَّ) فَضيلَةَ الحَيِّ عَلَى المَيِّتِ اَلثِّقَةُ بِهِ، فَإذا لَمْ يُوثَقْ بِكَلامِهِ بَطَلَتْ حَياتُهُ.

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6. Your knowing that you are a liar suffices as a rebuke for lying.

6. Your knowing that you are a liar suffices as a rebuke for lying.

6 كَفاكَ مُوَبِّخاً عَلَى الكِذْبِ عِلْمُكَ بِأنَّكَ كاذِبٌ.

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7. There is no trustworthiness in an incessant liar and there is no safeguarding [from sin] in the morally corrupt.

7. There is no trustworthiness in an incessant liar and there is no safeguarding [from sin] in the morally corrupt.

7 لَيْسَ لِكَذُوب أمانَةٌ ولا لِفَجُور صِيانَةٌ.

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10. One who is known for lying, [even] his truth will not be accepted.

10. One who is known for lying, [even] his truth will not be accepted.

10 مَنْ عُرِفَ بِالكِذْبِ لَمْ يُقْبَلْ صِدْقُهُ.

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