Ghurar al-Hikam

Akalim of Amirul Mumineen Maulana Ali (AS)

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Akalim of Amirul Mumineen Maulana Ali (AS)

Secret And Confidential Discussions

1. Protect your affair and do not give away your secret in marriage to whoever proposes!

1. Protect your affair and do not give away your secret in marriage to whoever proposes!

1 اِحْفَظْ أمْرَكَ، ولا تُنْكِحْ خاطِباً سِرَّكَ.

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2. Keep your secret to yourself and neither entrust it to a judicious one who may err nor to an ignorant one who may betray [your trust].

2. Keep your secret to yourself and neither entrust it to a judicious one who may err nor to an ignorant one who may betray [your trust].

2 اِنْفَرِدْ بِسِرِّكَ، وَلا تُودِعْهُ حازِماً فَيَزِلَّ، ولاجاهِلاً فَيَخُونَ.

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3. The best secret discussion is that which is founded on religion and God-wariness, and is based on following the path of guidance and opposing vain desires.

3. The best secret discussion is that which is founded on religion and God-wariness, and is based on following the path of guidance and opposing vain desires.

3 أفْضَلُ النَّجْوى، ماكانَ علَى الدّينِ والتُّقى، وأسْفَرَ عَنِ اتِّباعِ الهُدى، ومُخالَفَةِ الهَوى.

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5. Divulging [secrets] is the trait of outsiders [not that of believing Muslims].

5. Divulging [secrets] is the trait of outsiders [not that of believing Muslims].

5 اَلإذاعَةُ شيمَةُ الأغْيارِ.

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6. Divulging the secret that has been entrusted to you is a [form of] betrayal.

6. Divulging the secret that has been entrusted to you is a [form of] betrayal.

6 إذاعَةُ سِرّ أُودِعْتَهُ غَدْرٌ.

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8. Your secret is a source of happiness for you if you conceal it but if you divulge it, it is your destruction.

8. Your secret is a source of happiness for you if you conceal it but if you divulge it, it is your destruction.

8 سِرُّكَ سُرُورُكَ إنْ كَتَمْتَهُ وإنْ أذَعْتَهُ كانَ ثُبُوركَ.

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7. Three people are not to be trusted with a secret: the woman, the telltale and the fool.

7. Three people are not to be trusted with a secret: the woman, the telltale and the fool.

7 ثَلاثٌ لا يُسْتَوْدَعْنَ سِرّاً: المَرْأةُ، والنَّمّامُ،وَ الأحمَقُ.

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10. Your secret is your prisoner but if you divulge it, you become its prisoner.

10. Your secret is your prisoner but if you divulge it, you become its prisoner.

10 سِرُّكَ أسيرُكَ فَإنْ أفْشَيْتَهُ صِرْتَ أسيرَهُ.

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