1. The appointed time of death is [already] determined and sustenance is [already] apportioned, so let not any of you grieve its reduction; for verily greed does not expedite it and self-restraint does not delay it, and it behoves a believer to be patient.
1. The appointed time of death is [already] determined and sustenance is [already] apportioned, so let not any of you grieve its reduction; for verily greed does not expedite it and self-restraint does not delay it, and it behoves a believer to be patient.
1 اَلأجلُ مَحْتُومٌ، والرِّزْقُ مَقْسُومٌ، فلا يَغُمَّنَّ أحَدَكُمْ إبطاؤُهُ، فإنَّ الحِرْصَ لايُقَدِّمُهُ، والعَفافُ لا يُؤَخِّرُهُ، والمُؤمِنُ بالتَّحَمُّلِ(بِالتَّجَمُّلِ (خَليقٌ.