Ghurar al-Hikam

Akalim of Amirul Mumineen Maulana Ali (AS)

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Akalim of Amirul Mumineen Maulana Ali (AS)

Relief And Waiting For Relief

1. The more restricting [and difficult] the hardship, the closer the relief.

1. The more restricting [and difficult] the hardship, the closer the relief.

1 أضْيَقُ ما يَكُونُ الحَرَجُ أقْرَبُ ما يَكُونُ الفَرَجُ.

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2. The time when relief is closest is when the affair becomes unbearable.

2. The time when relief is closest is when the affair becomes unbearable.

2 أقْرَبُ ما يَكُونُ الفَرَجُ عِنْدَ تَضايُقِ الأمْرِ.

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3. When the openings [and ways] get blocked, the rays of relief begin to appear.

3. When the openings [and ways] get blocked, the rays of relief begin to appear.

3 عِنْدَ اِنْسِدادِ الفُرَجِ تَبْدُومَطالِعُ الفَرَجِ.

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4. When the difficulties reach their peak, there is hope for relief.

4. When the difficulties reach their peak, there is hope for relief.

4 عِنْدَ تَناهِي الشَّدائِدِ يَكُونُ تَوَقُّعُ الفَرَجِ.

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5. The first act of worship is waiting for relief with patience.

5. The first act of worship is waiting for relief with patience.

5 أوَّلُ العِبادَةِ اِنْتِظارُ الفَرَجِ بِالصَّبْرِ.

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