Ghurar al-Hikam

Akalim of Amirul Mumineen Maulana Ali (AS)

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Akalim of Amirul Mumineen Maulana Ali (AS)

The Forebearing

1. The first compensation for the forbearing person from his forbearance is that all the people are [ready to be] his helpers against his enemy.

1. The first compensation for the forbearing person from his forbearance is that all the people are [ready to be] his helpers against his enemy.

1 أوَّلُ عِوَضِ الحَلِيمِ عَنْ حِلْمِهِ أنَّ النّاسَ كُلَّهُمْ أنْصارُهُ عَلى خَصْمِهِ.

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2. The forbearing person raises his determination, in that which he has been oppressed, above seeking an evil retribution.

2. The forbearing person raises his determination, in that which he has been oppressed, above seeking an evil retribution.

2 اَلحَليْمُ يُعْلِي هِمَّتَهُ فيما جُنِيَ عَلَيْهِ مِنْ طَلَبِ سُوءِ المُكافاةِ.

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3. Indeed the best of people is one who is forbearing even when he is strong [enough to exact revenge], is not attached to the pleasures of this world even though he is well-off and is just even though he has power.

3. Indeed the best of people is one who is forbearing even when he is strong [enough to exact revenge], is not attached to the pleasures of this world even though he is well-off and is just even though he has power.

3 إنَّ أفْضَلَ النّاسِ مَنْ حَلُمَ عَنْ قُدْرَة، وزَهَدَ عَنْ غُنْيَة، وأنْصَفَ عَنْ قُوَّة.

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5. The forbearing is one for whom it is not difficult to act with tolerance.

5. The forbearing is one for whom it is not difficult to act with tolerance.

5 الحَليمُ الَّذي لا يَشُقُّ عَلَيْهِ مَؤُنَةُ الحِلْمِ.

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6. If you are not forbearing then act forbearing, for verily it is rare for a person who imitates a group not to soon become one among them.

6. If you are not forbearing then act forbearing, for verily it is rare for a person who imitates a group not to soon become one among them.

6 إنْ لَمْ تَكُنْ حَلِيماً فَتَحَلَّمْ، فَإنَّهُ قَلَّ مَنْ تَشَبَّهَ بِقَوْم إلاّ أوْشَكَ أنْ يَصِيرَ مِنْهُمْ.

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7. Indeed only he is forbearing who is patient when he is offended and forgives when he is wronged.

7. Indeed only he is forbearing who is patient when he is offended and forgives when he is wronged.

7 إنَّما الحَلِيمُ مَنْ إذا أُوذِيَ صَبَرَ، وإذا ظُلِمَ غَفَرَ.

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8. Sit in the company of the forbearing and you will increase your forbearance.

8. Sit in the company of the forbearing and you will increase your forbearance.

8 جالِسِ الحُلَماءَ تَزْدَدْ حِلْماً.

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10. A person who is not forbearing may at times dress in the garb of forbearance.

10. A person who is not forbearing may at times dress in the garb of forbearance.

10 قَدْ يَتَزَيّي بِالحِلْمِ غَيْرُ الحَلِيمِ.

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