Ghurar al-Hikam

Akalim of Amirul Mumineen Maulana Ali (AS)

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Akalim of Amirul Mumineen Maulana Ali (AS)


3. The most felicitous lifestyle is achieved by abandoning unnecessary constraints [and formalities].

3. The most felicitous lifestyle is achieved by abandoning unnecessary constraints [and formalities].

3 أهْنَى العَيْشِ إطْراحُ الكُلَفِ.

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4. Of all the people, the person who has the best lifestyle is one in whose grace other people live.

4. Of all the people, the person who has the best lifestyle is one in whose grace other people live.

4 أحْسَنُ النّاسِ عَيْشاً مَنْ عاشَ النّاسُ في فَضْلِهِ.

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5. The person with the most blessed lifestyle is one who has been granted contentment by Allah, the Glorified, and who has been given a good wife.

5. The person with the most blessed lifestyle is one who has been granted contentment by Allah, the Glorified, and who has been given a good wife.

5 أنْعَمُ النّاسِ عَيْشاً مَنْ مَنَحَهُ اللّهُ سُبْحانَهُ القَناعَةَ، وأصْلَحَ لَهُ زَوْجَهُ.

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6. Verily the person who has the happiest life of all people is one who is satisfied with what Allah has apportioned for him.

6. Verily the person who has the happiest life of all people is one who is satisfied with what Allah has apportioned for him.

6 إنَّ أهْنَأَ النّاسِ عَيْشاً مَنْ كانَ بِما قَسَمَ اللّهُ لَهُ راضِياً.

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7. Verily the person with the best lifestyle is one through whose life the lives of others are improved.

7. Verily the person with the best lifestyle is one through whose life the lives of others are improved.

7 إنَّ أحْسَنَ النّاسِ عَيْشاً، مَنْ حَسُنَ عَيْشُ النّاسِ في عَيْشِهِ.

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9. Death is preferable to succumbing to disgrace (or giving up freedom).

9. Death is preferable to succumbing to disgrace (or giving up freedom).

9 اَلمَوْتُ، ولاابْتِذالُ الخِزْيَةِ(الحُرِّيَةُ).

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