Ghurar al-Hikam

Akalim of Amirul Mumineen Maulana Ali (AS)

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Akalim of Amirul Mumineen Maulana Ali (AS)

Affection And Friendship

3. When you love [something or someone] then do not be excessive [in your love].

3. When you love [something or someone] then do not be excessive [in your love].

3 إذا أحْبَبْتَ فَلا تُكْثِرُ.

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4. When friendship gets established then [mutual] co-operation and support becomes necessary.

4. When friendship gets established then [mutual] co-operation and support becomes necessary.

4 إذا ثَبَتَ الوُدُّ وَجَبَ التَّرافُدُ والتَّعاضُدُ.

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6. The best person in granting favours is the one who begins by [showing] friendship.

6. The best person in granting favours is the one who begins by [showing] friendship.

6 أفْضَلُ النّاسِ مِنَّةً مَنْ بَدَأَ بِالمَوَدَّةِ.

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7. The quickest friendships to get cut off are the friendships of wicked people.

7. The quickest friendships to get cut off are the friendships of wicked people.

7 أسْرَعُ المَوَدّاتِ اِنْقِطاعاً مَوَدّاتُ الأشْرارِ.

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8. Verily friendship is expressed by the tongue whereas love is expressed by the gaze (or the eyes).

8. Verily friendship is expressed by the tongue whereas love is expressed by the gaze (or the eyes).

8 إنَّ المَوَدَّةَ يُعَبِّرُ عَنْهَا اللِّسانُ، وَعَنِ المَحَبَّةِ العَيْنانِ (العَيانُ).

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