Ghurar al-Hikam

Akalim of Amirul Mumineen Maulana Ali (AS)

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Akalim of Amirul Mumineen Maulana Ali (AS)


1. The wakefulness of eyes is of no benefit with the negligence of hearts.

1. The wakefulness of eyes is of no benefit with the negligence of hearts.

1 إنْتِباهُ العُيُونِ لايَنْفَعُ مَعَ غَفْلَةِ القُلُوبِ.

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2. Negligence reaps delusion and brings one closer to destruction.

2. Negligence reaps delusion and brings one closer to destruction.

2 اَلْغَفْلَةُ تَكْسِبُ الاِغْتِرارَ، وتُدْني مِنَ البَوارِ.

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3. Be cautious of negligence, for indeed it is from the corruption of [one’s sensory] perception.

3. Be cautious of negligence, for indeed it is from the corruption of [one’s sensory] perception.

3 اِحْذَرُوا الغَفْلَةَ،فَإنَّها مِنْ فَسادِ الحِسِّ.

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4. Beware of negligence and being deluded by respite, for indeed negligence corrupts deeds, and death cut off hopes.

4. Beware of negligence and being deluded by respite, for indeed negligence corrupts deeds, and death cut off hopes.

4 إيّاكَ والغَفْلَةَ، والاِغْتِرارَ بِالمُهْلَةِ، فَإنَّ الغَفْلَةَ تُفْسِدُ الأعْمالَ، وَالآجالَ تَقْطَعُ الآمالَ.

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10. Negligence is the misguidance of souls and the symbol of misfortunes.

10. Negligence is the misguidance of souls and the symbol of misfortunes.

10 اَلْغَفْلَةُ ضَلالُ النُّفُوسِ وعُنْوانُ النُّحُوسِ.

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