Ghurar al-Hikam

Akalim of Amirul Mumineen Maulana Ali (AS)

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Akalim of Amirul Mumineen Maulana Ali (AS)

The Disbeliever

1. The disbeliever is a vile deceiver, perfidious, deluded by his ignorance and duped.

1. The disbeliever is a vile deceiver, perfidious, deluded by his ignorance and duped.

1 اَلْكافِرُ خَبٌّ لَئِيمٌ،خَؤُنٌ، مَغْرُورٌ بِجَهْلِهِ، مَغْبُونٌ.

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2. For the disbeliever, this world is his Paradise, the transient is what he strives for, death is [the cause of] his wretchedness and hellfire is his final end.

2. For the disbeliever, this world is his Paradise, the transient is what he strives for, death is [the cause of] his wretchedness and hellfire is his final end.

2 اَلكافِرُ اَلدُّنيا جَنَّتُهُ، والعاجِلَةُ هِمَتُّهُ، والمَوْتُ شَقاوَتُهُ، والنّارُ غايَتُهُ.

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5. The disbeliever is a misguiding deceiver, hard-hearted, [and] perfidious.

5. The disbeliever is a misguiding deceiver, hard-hearted, [and] perfidious.

5 اَلْكافِرُ خَبٌّ، ضَبٌّ، جاف، خائِنٌ.

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8. The concern of the disbeliever is for his [life in this] world, his efforts are for the transient [pleasures] and his goal is [fulfilling] his lust.

8. The concern of the disbeliever is for his [life in this] world, his efforts are for the transient [pleasures] and his goal is [fulfilling] his lust.

8 هَمُّ الكافِرِ لِدُنْياهُ، وسَعْيُهُ لِعاجِلَتِهِ، وغايَتُهُ شَهْوَتُهُ.

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