Ghurar al-Hikam

Akalim of Amirul Mumineen Maulana Ali (AS)

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Akalim of Amirul Mumineen Maulana Ali (AS)

Success, Prosperity And Salvation

2. The person who attains his objective the most is one who has intelligence and is mild-mannered.

2. The person who attains his objective the most is one who has intelligence and is mild-mannered.

2 أدْرَكُ النّاسِ لِحاجَتِهِ ذُو الْعَقْلِ الْمُتَرَفِّقُ.

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3. If you seek of prosperity, then reject negligence and diversion, and espouse diligence and effort.

3. If you seek of prosperity, then reject negligence and diversion, and espouse diligence and effort.

3 إنْ كُنْتُمْ لِلنَّجاةِ طالِبِينَ فَارْفَضُوا الْغَفْلَةَ واللَّهْوَ والْزَمُوا الاِجْتِهادَ والْجِدَّ.

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7. How close is success to one who is quick to release [and send forth his provisions for the Hereafter].

7. How close is success to one who is quick to release [and send forth his provisions for the Hereafter].

7 ما أقْرَبَ النَّجاحَ مِمَّنْ عَجَّلَ السَّراحَ.

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8. The basis of salvation is espousing faith and [having] true certitude.

8. The basis of salvation is espousing faith and [having] true certitude.

8 مِلاكُ النَّجاةِ لُزُومُ الإيمانِ وصِدْقُ الإيقانِ.

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9. None is successful in attaining salvation but the one who fulfils the requirements of faith.

9. None is successful in attaining salvation but the one who fulfils the requirements of faith.

9 لا يَفُوزُ بِالنَّجاةِ إلاّ مَنْ قامَ بِشَرائِطِ الإيمانِ.

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