Ghurar al-Hikam

Akalim of Amirul Mumineen Maulana Ali (AS)

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Akalim of Amirul Mumineen Maulana Ali (AS)


1. Vileness is preferring the love of wealth over the delight of praise and commendation.

1. Vileness is preferring the love of wealth over the delight of praise and commendation.

1 اَللُّؤْمُ إيثارُ حُبِّ المالِ عَلى لَذَّةِ الحَمْدِ والثَّناءِ.

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2. Vileness is the opposite of all the virtues and the combination of all the vices, evils and lowly traits.

2. Vileness is the opposite of all the virtues and the combination of all the vices, evils and lowly traits.

2 اَللُّؤْمُ مُضادٌّ لِسائِرِ الفَضائِل، وجامِعٌ لِجَميعِ الرَّذائِلِ والسَّوْءاتِ وَالدَّنايا.

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