1. How wretched the son of Adam is! His death is hidden, his ailments concealed, his every action recorded, harmed by the bite of a mosquito, made malodorous by perspiration and caused to die by [something as simple as] choking.
1. How wretched the son of Adam is! His death is hidden, his ailments concealed, his every action recorded, harmed by the bite of a mosquito, made malodorous by perspiration and caused to die by [something as simple as] choking.
1 مِسْكينٌ اِبْنُ آدَمَ، مَكْتُومُ الأجَلِ، مَكْنُونُ العِلَلِ، مَحفُوظُ العَمَلِ، تُؤْلِمُهُ البَقَّةُ، وتُنْتِنُهُ العَرَقَةُ، وتَقْتُلُهُ الشَّرْقَةُ.