Ghurar al-Hikam

Akalim of Amirul Mumineen Maulana Ali (AS)

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Akalim of Amirul Mumineen Maulana Ali (AS)

The One Who Hits The Mark And The One Who Errs

1. The one who hits the mark, achieves and the one who errs, loses.

1. The one who hits the mark, achieves and the one who errs, loses.

1 اَلمُصيبُ واجِدٌ، اَلمُخْطِئُ فاقِدٌ.

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2. Being right is [a means of] safety, erring is [a cause of] reproach and haste is [a reason for] regret.

2. Being right is [a means of] safety, erring is [a cause of] reproach and haste is [a reason for] regret.

2 اَلإصابَةُ سَلامَةٌ، اَلخَطاءُ مَلامَةٌ، اَلعَجَلُ نَدامَةٌ.

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