Ghurar al-Hikam

Akalim of Amirul Mumineen Maulana Ali (AS)

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Akalim of Amirul Mumineen Maulana Ali (AS)

Leniency And Gentleness

1. Leniency is the key to rightness and the trait of the people of understanding.

1. Leniency is the key to rightness and the trait of the people of understanding.

1 اَلرِّفْقُ مِفْتاحُ الصَّوابِ، وشيمَةُ ذَوي الألباب.

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2. Leniency makes difficulties bearable and eases the harshness of situations.

2. Leniency makes difficulties bearable and eases the harshness of situations.

2 اَلرِّفْقُ يُيَسِّرُ الصِّعابَ، ويُسَهِّلُ شَديدَ الأسبابِ.

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3. Leniency is the infusion of goodness and the symbol of success.

3. Leniency is the infusion of goodness and the symbol of success.

3 اَلرِّفْقُ لِقاحُ الصَّلاحِ، وعُنْوانُ النَّجاحِ.

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