Ghurar al-Hikam

Akalim of Amirul Mumineen Maulana Ali (AS)

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Akalim of Amirul Mumineen Maulana Ali (AS)

Good Etiquette

2. Good etiquette in a person is like a tree whose roots are the intellect.

2. Good etiquette in a person is like a tree whose roots are the intellect.

2 اَلأدبُ في الإنْسانِ كَشَجَرَة أصْلُها العَقلُ.

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6. The best etiquette is for a person to stay within his limits and not go beyond his rank.

6. The best etiquette is for a person to stay within his limits and not go beyond his rank.

6 أفضلُ الأدبِ أنْ يَقِفَ الإنسانُ عِندَ حَدِّهِ ولايَتَعدَّى قَدْرَهُ.

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7. The best of etiquettes is that which stops you from what is forbidden.

7. The best of etiquettes is that which stops you from what is forbidden.

7 أحسنُ الآدابِ ما كَفَّكَ عَنِ المَحارِمِ.

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9. The people of intellect are in need of good etiquette just as the plants thirst for rain.

9. The people of intellect are in need of good etiquette just as the plants thirst for rain.

9 إنَّ بِذَوي العُقُولِ مِنَ الحاجَةِ إلى الأدبِ، كَما يَظْمَأُ الزَّرْعُ إلَى المَطَرِ.

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10. People are more in need of good etiquette than of silver and gold.

10. People are more in need of good etiquette than of silver and gold.

10 إنَّ النَّاس إلى صالحِ الأدبِ أحْوَجُ مِنْهُمْ إلى الفِضَّةِ والذَّهبِ.

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