Ghurar al-Hikam

Akalim of Amirul Mumineen Maulana Ali (AS)

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Akalim of Amirul Mumineen Maulana Ali (AS)

The Intellect

2. The intellect is an inborn quality that increases through knowledge and experience.

2. The intellect is an inborn quality that increases through knowledge and experience.

2 اَلعَقْلُ غَريزَةٌ، تَزِيدُ بِالعِلْمِ والتَّجارِبِ.

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3. The intellect and knowledge are joined together in one linkage, they neither separate nor do they differ.

3. The intellect and knowledge are joined together in one linkage, they neither separate nor do they differ.

3 اَلعَقْلُ، والعِلْمُ، مَقْرُونانِ في قَرَن، لايَفْتَرِقانِ، ولايَتَبايَنانِ.

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4. The intellect is the greatest of riches and the highest honour in [both] the Hereafter and this world.

4. The intellect is the greatest of riches and the highest honour in [both] the Hereafter and this world.

4 اَلعَقْلُ أغْنَى الغِنى، وغايَةُ الشَّرَفِ فِي الآخِرَةِ والدُّنيا.

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5. The intellect is the most beautiful adornment and knowledge is the most honourable merit.

5. The intellect is the most beautiful adornment and knowledge is the most honourable merit.

5 اَلعَقْلُ أجْمَلُ زِينَة، والعِلْمُ أشْرَفُ مَزِيَّة.

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6. The intellect is the root of knowledge and the herald of understanding.

6. The intellect is the root of knowledge and the herald of understanding.

6 اَلعَقْلُ أصْلُ العِلْمِ، وداعِيَةُ الفَهْمِ.

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8. The intellect is the close friend of a believer, knowledge is his vizier, patience is the commander of his army and action is his overseer.

8. The intellect is the close friend of a believer, knowledge is his vizier, patience is the commander of his army and action is his overseer.

8 اَلعَقْلُ خَلِيلُ المُؤْمِنِ، والعِلْمُ وَزيرُهُ، والصَّبْرُ أمِيرُ جُنُودِهِ، والعَمَلُ قَيِّمُهُ.

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9. The intellect is the leader of the army of the Most Merciful and vain desire is the chief of the army of Satan, and the soul is pulled back and forth between them, so whichever of them is victorious, it (i.e. the soul) is in its domain.

9. The intellect is the leader of the army of the Most Merciful and vain desire is the chief of the army of Satan, and the soul is pulled back and forth between them, so whichever of them is victorious, it (i.e. the soul) is in its domain.

9 اَلعَقْلُ صاحِبُ جَيْشِ الرَّحْمنِ، والهَوى قائِدُ جَيْشِ الشَّيْطانِ، وَالنَّفْسُ مُتَجاذِبَةٌ بَيْنَهُما، فَأيُّهُما غَلَبَ كانَتْ في حَيِّزِهِ.

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7. Intelligence is an advantage, knowledge is an elevation and patience is a defence [and a means of repelling hardships].

7. Intelligence is an advantage, knowledge is an elevation and patience is a defence [and a means of repelling hardships].

7 اَلعَقْلُ مَنْفَعَةٌ، والعِلْمُ مَرْفَعةٌ، والصَّبْرُ مَدْفَعَةٌ.

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10. Intellect and lust are opposites; the supporter of the intellect is knowledge and the adorner of lust is vain desire, and the soul is contended for between the two, so whichever is triumphant, it is on its side.

10. Intellect and lust are opposites; the supporter of the intellect is knowledge and the adorner of lust is vain desire, and the soul is contended for between the two, so whichever is triumphant, it is on its side.

10 اَلعَقْلُ والشَّهْوَةُ ضِدّانِ، ومُؤَيِّدُ العَقْلِ العِلْمُ، ومُزَيِّنُ الشَّهْوَةِ الهَوى، والنَّفْسُ مُتَنازِعَةٌ بَيْنَهُما، فَأيُّهُما قَهَرَ كانَتْ في جانِبِهِ.

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