Ghurar al-Hikam

Akalim of Amirul Mumineen Maulana Ali (AS)

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Akalim of Amirul Mumineen Maulana Ali (AS)

Government And Sovereignty

1. Obedience is the shield of the people and justice is the shield of governments.

1. Obedience is the shield of the people and justice is the shield of governments.

1 اَلطّاعَةُ جُنَّةُ الرَعِيَّةِ، والعَدْلُ جُنَّةُ الدُّوَلِ.

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2. The disgrace after being deposed is equal to the glory of sovereignty.

2. The disgrace after being deposed is equal to the glory of sovereignty.

2 اَلذُّلُّ بَعْدَ العَزْلِ يُوازي عِزَّ الوِلايَةِ.

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3. The humiliation of the man being deposed is equivalent to his evil as a sovereign.

3. The humiliation of the man being deposed is equivalent to his evil as a sovereign.

3 اِسْتِكانَةُ الرَّجُلِ فِي الْعَزْلِ، بِقَدْرِ شَرِّهِ فِي الوِلايَةِ.

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4. Be just in that which you have been given authority and thank Allah for that which has been granted to you.

4. Be just in that which you have been given authority and thank Allah for that which has been granted to you.

4 إعْدِلْ فِيما وُلِّيتَ، أُشْكُرْ لِلّهِ فِيما أُولِيتَ.

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5. Protect your status near your king and be cautious not to be belittled due to [your] negligence in protecting that which elevated you to it.

5. Protect your status near your king and be cautious not to be belittled due to [your] negligence in protecting that which elevated you to it.

5 أُحْرُسْ مَنْزِلَتَكَ عِنْدَ سُلْطانِكَ، واحْذَرْ أنْ يَحُطَّكَ عَنْها التَّهاوُنُ عَنْ حِفْظِ ما رَقاكَ إلَيْهِ.

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6. Direct the people [based] on their practices and religions; let the innocent from among them be safe [from your wrath] and let the suspicious ones be afraid of you, and protect their frontiers and borders.

6. Direct the people [based] on their practices and religions; let the innocent from among them be safe [from your wrath] and let the suspicious ones be afraid of you, and protect their frontiers and borders.

6 أقِمِ النّاسَ عَلى سُنَّتِهِمْ ودِينِهِمْ، وَلْيَأْمَنْكَ بَرِئُهُمْ،وَ لْيَخَفْكَ مُرِيبُهُمْ، وَتَعاهَدْ ثُغُورَهُمْ وأطْرافَهُمْ.

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8. Be cautious of inequity and tyranny, for verily inequity invites the sword and tyranny leads to expulsion and hastens retribution and revenge.

8. Be cautious of inequity and tyranny, for verily inequity invites the sword and tyranny leads to expulsion and hastens retribution and revenge.

8 إحْذَرِ الحَيْفَ والجَوْرَ، فَإنَّ الحَيْفَ يَدْعُو إلَى السَّيْفِ، والجَوْرَ يَعُودُ بِالجَلاءِ، ويُعَجِّلُ العُقُوبَةَ والإنْتِقامَ.

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7. Make the religion your refuge and justice your sword, [then] you will be safe from every evil and will triumph over every foe.

7. Make the religion your refuge and justice your sword, [then] you will be safe from every evil and will triumph over every foe.

7 إجْعَلِ الدّينَ كَهْفَكَ، والعَدْلَ سَيْفَكَ، تَنْجُ مِنْ كُلِّ سُوء، وتَظْفَرْ (تَظْهَرْ) على كُلِّ عَدُوّ.

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