Ghurar al-Hikam

Akalim of Amirul Mumineen Maulana Ali (AS)

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Akalim of Amirul Mumineen Maulana Ali (AS)

Begging And Asking People

1. Begging weakens the tongue of the speaker, breaks the heart of the courageous hero, puts the free honourable one in the position of a humbled slave, takes away the radiance of one’s face and wipes out one’s sustenance.

1. Begging weakens the tongue of the speaker, breaks the heart of the courageous hero, puts the free honourable one in the position of a humbled slave, takes away the radiance of one’s face and wipes out one’s sustenance.

1 السُّؤالُ يُضْعِفُ لِسانَ المُتَكَلِّمِ، ويَكْسِرُ قَلْبَ الشُّجاعِ البَطَلِ، وَيُوقِفُ الحُرَّ العَزيْزِ مَوْقِفَ العَبْدِ الذَّليلِ، ويُذْهِبُ بَهاءَ الوَجْهِ، ويَمْحَقُ الرِّزْقَ.

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2. Begging is the collar of humiliation, it takes the honour away from the honourable and the stature away from the noble.

2. Begging is the collar of humiliation, it takes the honour away from the honourable and the stature away from the noble.

2 المَسْئَلَةُ طَوْقُ المَذَلَّةِ، تَسْلُبُ العَزيزَ عِزَّهُ، والحَسيبَ حَسَبَهُ.

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6. If you want to be obeyed [or your request to be granted] then ask for that which is feasible.

6. If you want to be obeyed [or your request to be granted] then ask for that which is feasible.

6 إذا أرَدْتَ أنْ تُطاعَ فَاسْأَلْ ما يُسْتَطاعُ.

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7. Let your request be for a thing, the charm of which will last for you long after the negative consequences [of your asking] have ended.

7. Let your request be for a thing, the charm of which will last for you long after the negative consequences [of your asking] have ended.

7 لِيَكُنْ مَسْألَتُكَ ما يَبْقى لَكَ جَمالُهُ ويُنْفى عَنْكَ وَبالُهُ.

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5. The bane of asking [others] is lack of success [in getting what one asks for].

5. The bane of asking [others] is lack of success [in getting what one asks for].

5 آفَةُ الطَّلَبِ عَدَمُ النَّجاحِ.

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9. Whoever asks [from] other than Allah deserves to be deprived.

9. Whoever asks [from] other than Allah deserves to be deprived.

9 مَنْ سَألَ غَيْرَ اللّهِ اِسْتَحَقَ الحِرْمانَ.

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