Ghurar al-Hikam

Akalim of Amirul Mumineen Maulana Ali (AS)

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Akalim of Amirul Mumineen Maulana Ali (AS)


1. Be careful of obscene language and lies, for indeed they degrade the speaker.

1. Be careful of obscene language and lies, for indeed they degrade the speaker.

1 اِحْذَرْ فُحْشَ القَوْلِ والكِذْبَ، فَإنَّهُما يُزْرِيانِ بِالقائِلِ.

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2. Using obscene language with one who is above you is destructive ignorance.

2. Using obscene language with one who is above you is destructive ignorance.

2 سَفَهُكَ عَلى مَنْ فَوْقَكَ جَهْلٌ مُرْد.

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4. Using obscene language with one who is at your level is a pecking like the pecking of two cockerels, and a quarrelling like the quarrelling of two dogs, they will never separate until they are wounded or humiliated, and this is neither the act of the wise nor the practice of the intelligent; and it may be that he (your rival) shows forbearance towards you, thereby becoming greater than you and more honourable, while you remain lower than him and more contemptible.

4. Using obscene language with one who is at your level is a pecking like the pecking of two cockerels, and a quarrelling like the quarrelling of two dogs, they will never separate until they are wounded or humiliated, and this is neither the act of the wise nor the practice of the intelligent; and it may be that he (your rival) shows forbearance towards you, thereby becoming greater than you and more honourable, while you remain lower than him and more contemptible.

4 سَفَهُكَ عَلى مَنْ في دَرَجَتِكَ نِقارٌ كَنِقارِ الديكَيْنِ، وهِراشٌ كَهِراشِ الكَلْبَيْنِ، ولَنْ يَفْتَرِقا إلاّ مَجْرُوحَيْنِ، أوْ مَفْضُوحَيْنِ، ولَيْسَ ذلِكَ فِعْلُ الحُكَماءِ، ولاسُنَّةُ العُقَلاءِ، ولَعَلَّهُ أنْ يَحْلُمَ عَنْكَ، فَيَكُونَ أوْزَنَ مِنْكَ وأكرَمَ، وَأنْتَ أنْقَصُ مِنْهُ وأَلأَمُ.

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9. Indeed obscene language and vulgarities are not from the morals of Islam.

9. Indeed obscene language and vulgarities are not from the morals of Islam.

9 إنَّ الْفُحْشَ والتَّفَحُّشَ لَيْسا مِنْ خَلائِقِ الإسْلامِ.

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10. One who uses obscene language cures [the envy of] his enviers [and brings them joy].

10. One who uses obscene language cures [the envy of] his enviers [and brings them joy].

10 مَنْ أفْحَشَ شَفى حُسّادَهُ.

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