2. The incessant liar and the dead are similar, for indeed (or because) the merit of the living over the dead is the ability to rely on him, so if his words are not reliable then [it is as if] his life is nullified.

2. The incessant liar and the dead are similar, for indeed (or because) the merit of the living over the dead is the ability to rely on him, so if his words are not reliable then [it is as if] his life is nullified.

2 اَلكَذّابُ والمَيِّتُ سَواءٌ، فَإنَّ (لأنَّ) فَضيلَةَ الحَيِّ عَلَى المَيِّتِ اَلثِّقَةُ بِهِ، فَإذا لَمْ يُوثَقْ بِكَلامِهِ بَطَلَتْ حَياتُهُ.

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