45. Verily time will pass for those who remain [in this world] just as it passed for those gone by. That which has gone shall not return and that which is in it will not remain forever. Its later deeds are the same as the former ones. Its affairs try to excel each another and its banners follow each other. Its companion is never separated from hardship, annihilation, pillage and war.

45. Verily time will pass for those who remain [in this world] just as it passed for those gone by. That which has gone shall not return and that which is in it will not remain forever. Its later deeds are the same as the former ones. Its affairs try to excel each another and its banners follow each other. Its companion is never separated from hardship, annihilation, pillage and war.

45 إنَّ الدَّهْرَ يَجْري بِالباقينَ، كَجَرْيِهِ بِالماضينَ، ما يعُودُ ما قَدْ وَلّى، وَلايَبْقى سَرْمَداً ما فيهِ، آخِرُ فِعالِهِ كَأوَّلِهِ، مُتَسابِقَةٌ أُمُورُهُ مُتَظاهِرَةٌ أعْلامُهُ، لايَنْفَكُّ مُصاحِبُهُ مِنْ عَناء وفَناء وسَلَب وحَرَب.

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