36. He (‘a) said about the one whom he was rebuking: He is bold in his words but falls short in his actions. He rebukes others but flatters himself. He has been given respite by Allah along with the heedless ones. He leaves in the morning in the company of sinners without a [straight] path to follow or a leader to [act as a] guide, without any clear knowledge or strong faith. He fears death but does not fear loss [of opportunity to do good deeds for his Hereafter].
36. He (‘a) said about the one whom he was rebuking: He is bold in his words but falls short in his actions. He rebukes others but flatters himself. He has been given respite by Allah along with the heedless ones. He leaves in the morning in the company of sinners without a [straight] path to follow or a leader to [act as a] guide, without any clear knowledge or strong faith. He fears death but does not fear loss [of opportunity to do good deeds for his Hereafter].
36 وقالَ في ذِكْرِ مَنْ ذَمَّهُ: هُوَ بِالقَوْلِ مُدِلٌّ، ومِنَ العَمَلِ مُقِلٌّ، وَعَلى النّاسِ طاعِنٌ، ولِنَفْسِِهِ مُداهِنٌ، هُوَ في مُهْلَة مِنَ اللّهِ يَهْوي مَعَ الْغافِلينَ، ويَغْدُو مَعَ المُذْنِبينَ بِلا سَبيل قاصِد، ولا إمام قائِد ولاعِلْم مُبين، ولادين مَتين، هُوَ يَخْشَي المَوْتَ ولايَخافُ الفَوْتَ.