34. Verily the one who abandons God-wariness is lured by pleasures and lustful desires, and falls into the wilderness of sins and is constantly plagued by grave (or many) [evil] consequences.

34. Verily the one who abandons God-wariness is lured by pleasures and lustful desires, and falls into the wilderness of sins and is constantly plagued by grave (or many) [evil] consequences.

34 إنَّ مَن فارَقَ التَّقْوى أُغْريَ بِاللَّذّاتِ والشَّهَواتِ، ووَقَعَ في تيهِ السَّيِّئاتِ، ولَزِمَهُ كَبيرُ (كَثيرُ) التَّبِعاتِ.

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