3. Verily the most honourable of all people is one who loses hope [in others], espouses contentment and piety and is devoid of greed and covetousness, for indeed covetousness and greed are a ready indigence and verily loss of hope [in others] and contentment are a manifest affluence.
3. Verily the most honourable of all people is one who loses hope [in others], espouses contentment and piety and is devoid of greed and covetousness, for indeed covetousness and greed are a ready indigence and verily loss of hope [in others] and contentment are a manifest affluence.
3 إنَّ أكْرَمَ النّاسِ مَنِ اقْتَنَى الْيَأْسَ، ولَزِمَ القُنُوعَ والوَرَعَ، وبَرِيَ مِنَ الحِرْصِ والطَّمََعِ، فَإنَّ الطَّمَعَ والحِرْصَ اَلْفَقْرُ الحاضِرُ، وإنَّ الْيَأسَ والقَناعَةَ الغِنىَ الظّاهِرُ.