20. They walk stealthily and tread slowly, hiding behind trees. Their words are [like] a cure but their actions are incurable diseases. They exchange praise [with each other] and come near each other through (or are careful of) reward. They obtain what they covet by means of despair. When they talk they create doubts, they dissemble in their speech and when they speak they delude (or distort).
20. They walk stealthily and tread slowly, hiding behind trees. Their words are [like] a cure but their actions are incurable diseases. They exchange praise [with each other] and come near each other through (or are careful of) reward. They obtain what they covet by means of despair. When they talk they create doubts, they dissemble in their speech and when they speak they delude (or distort).
20 يَمْشُونَ الخِفاءَ ويَدُبُّونَ الضَّرّاءَ قَوْلُهُمُ الدَّواءُ وفِعْلُهُمُ الدّاءُ العَياءُ يَتَقارَضُونَ الثَّناءَ ويَتَقارَبُونَ (يتراقبون) الجَزاءَ يَتَوَصَّلُونَ إلَى الطَّمَعِ بِاليَأْسِ وَيَقُولُونَ فَيُشَبِّهُونَ يُنافِقُونَ فِي المَقالِ ويَقُولُونَ فَيُوهِمُونَ (فَيُمَوِّهُون).