Ghurar al-Hikam

Akalim of Amirul Mumineen Maulana Ali (AS)

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Akalim of Amirul Mumineen Maulana Ali (AS)

Turning Backward

1. It is seldom that one who turns back [and retreats] returns to the front.

1. It is seldom that one who turns back [and retreats] returns to the front.

1 قَلَّما يَعُودُ الإدْبارُ إقْبالاً.

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3. From the signs of turning backward is thinking ill of the one who gives you good advice.

3. From the signs of turning backward is thinking ill of the one who gives you good advice.

3 مِنْ عَلاماتِ الإدْبارِ سُوءُ الظَّنِّ بالنَّصيحِ.

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4. Turning backward is evinced by four things: bad planning, foul extravagance, lack of consideration and too many excuses.

4. Turning backward is evinced by four things: bad planning, foul extravagance, lack of consideration and too many excuses.

4 يُسْتَدَلُّ علَى الإدْبارِ بِأرْبَع:سُوْءُ التَّدْبيرِ، وقُبْحُ التَّبْذيرِ، وقِلَّةُ الإعْتِبارِ، وكَثْرَةُ الاعْتِذارِ (الاغْتِرارِ).

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5. The merits in advancing forward are the demerits in turning backward.

5. The merits in advancing forward are the demerits in turning backward.

5 المَحاسِنُ فِي الإقبالِ هِيَ المَساوي فِي الإدْبارِ.

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