Ghurar al-Hikam

Akalim of Amirul Mumineen Maulana Ali (AS)

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Akalim of Amirul Mumineen Maulana Ali (AS)

This World

381. The delights of this world do not continue and its joys do not last, and there is no security from its afflictions.

381. The delights of this world do not continue and its joys do not last, and there is no security from its afflictions.

381 لا تَدُومُ حَبْرَةُ الدُّنيا، ولا يَبْقى سُرُورُها، ولاتُؤْمَنُ فَجْعَتُها.

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382. It behoves the one who recognizes this world to renounce its pleasures and to turn away from it.

382. It behoves the one who recognizes this world to renounce its pleasures and to turn away from it.

382 يَنْبَغي لِمَنْ عَرَفَ الدُّنيا أنْ يَزْهَدَ فيها، ويعْزِفَ عَنْها.

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383. It behoves the one who recognizes the transient abode to work for the Eternal Abode.

383. It behoves the one who recognizes the transient abode to work for the Eternal Abode.

383 يَنْبَغي لِمَنْ عَرَفَ دارَ الفَناءِ أنْ يَعْمَلَ لِدارِ البَقاءِ.

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384. It behoves the one who knows how fleeting this world is, to renounce its pleasures.

384. It behoves the one who knows how fleeting this world is, to renounce its pleasures.

384 يَنْبَغي لِمَنْ عَلِمَ سُرْعَةَ زَوالِ الدُّنيا أنْ يَزْهدَ فيها.

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385. It behoves a person to seek a cure from the ailments of this world just like a sick person seeks treatment, and he should avoid its lusts and pleasures just as a sick person avoids certain foods.

385. It behoves a person to seek a cure from the ailments of this world just like a sick person seeks treatment, and he should avoid its lusts and pleasures just as a sick person avoids certain foods.

385 يَنْبَغي أنْ يَتداوِيَ المَرْءُ مِنْ أدواءِ الدُّنيا كَما يَتَداوى ذُوالعِلَّةِ، وَيَحْتَمِيَ مِنْ شَهَواتِها وَلَذّاتِها كما يَحْتَمِي المَريضُ.

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388. Little of this world is better than plenty of it, and that of it which suffices for subsistence in it is better than that which destroys.

388. Little of this world is better than plenty of it, and that of it which suffices for subsistence in it is better than that which destroys.

388 يَسيرُ الدُّنيا خَيْرٌ مِنْ كَثيرِها، وبُلْغَتُها أجْدَرُ مِنْ هَلَكَتِها.

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389. Slaves of desire, cut them short! For indeed, the one who leans on this world gets nothing out of it but the grating sound of hardship.

389. Slaves of desire, cut them short! For indeed, the one who leans on this world gets nothing out of it but the grating sound of hardship.

389 يا أسْرَى الرَّغْبَةِ أقْصِروُا، فَإنَّ المُعَرِّجَ عَلَى الدُّنيا لايَرُوعُهُ مِنْها إلاَّ صَريفُ أنيابِ الحِدْثانِ.

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