Ghurar al-Hikam

Akalim of Amirul Mumineen Maulana Ali (AS)

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Akalim of Amirul Mumineen Maulana Ali (AS)

This World

1. This world is neither clean for any drinker [to drink from] nor is it loyal to any owner.

1. This world is neither clean for any drinker [to drink from] nor is it loyal to any owner.

1 الدُّنيا لا تَصْفُو لِشارِب، ولا تَفي لِصاحِب.

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2. This world is filled with tribulations [and] stricken with tragedies and calamities.

2. This world is filled with tribulations [and] stricken with tragedies and calamities.

2 الدُّنيا مَلِيئَةٌ بِالمَصائِبِ طارِقَةٌ بِالفَجايِعِ والنَّوائِبِ.

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3. This world is fleeting and perishing; [even] if it remains for you, you will not remain for it.

3. This world is fleeting and perishing; [even] if it remains for you, you will not remain for it.

3 الدُّنيا مُنْتَقِلَةٌ فانِيَةٌ، إنْ بَقِيَتْ لَكَ لَمْ تَبْقَ لَها.

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4. This world is smaller, more lowly and more insignificant than for one to keep grudges in [and because of] it.

4. This world is smaller, more lowly and more insignificant than for one to keep grudges in [and because of] it.

4 الدُّنيا أصْغَرُ وأحْقَرُ وأنْزَرُ مِنْ أنْ تُطاعَ فيهَا الأحْقادُ.

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5. This world is a prison for the believer, death is his gift and Paradise is his [permanent] abode.

5. This world is a prison for the believer, death is his gift and Paradise is his [permanent] abode.

5 الدُّنيا سِجْنُ المُؤمِنِ، والمَوتُ تُحفَتُهُ، والجَنَّةُ مَأواهُ.

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6. This world is a Paradise for the disbeliever, death is his dispatcher and hell is his [permanent] dwelling.

6. This world is a Paradise for the disbeliever, death is his dispatcher and hell is his [permanent] dwelling.

6 الدُّنيا جَنَّةُ الكافِرِ، والمَوْتُ مُشْخِصُهُ، والنّارُ مَثْواهُ.

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8. If this world unfolds, it opens up and when it disperses, it departs.

8. If this world unfolds, it opens up and when it disperses, it departs.

8 الدُّنيا إنِ انْجَلَتْ اِنْجَلَتْ، وإذا جَلَتْ اِرْتَحَلَتْ.

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9. This world takes turns, so be moderate in seeking it, and be patient until your turn comes to you.

9. This world takes turns, so be moderate in seeking it, and be patient until your turn comes to you.

9 الدُّنيا دُوَلٌ فَأجْمِلْ في طَلَبِها، واصْطَبِرْ حتّى تَأتيَكَ دُولَتُكَ.

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7. This world is a deal of the [one who has been] defrauded and human being is defrauded by it.

7. This world is a deal of the [one who has been] defrauded and human being is defrauded by it.

7 الدُّنيا صَفْقَةُ مَغْبُون والإنْسانُ مَغْبُونٌ بِها.

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10. This world is a present offering, [both] the virtuous and the vicious partake of it, but the Hereafter is the Abode of Truth wherein a [wise and] powerful king rules.

10. This world is a present offering, [both] the virtuous and the vicious partake of it, but the Hereafter is the Abode of Truth wherein a [wise and] powerful king rules.

10 الدُّنيا عَرَضٌ حاضِرٌ،يَأكُلُ مِنْهُ البَرُّ والفاجِرُ، والآخِرَةُ دارُ حَقّ يَحْكُمُ فيها مَلِكٌ قادِرٌ.

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