Ghurar al-Hikam

Akalim of Amirul Mumineen Maulana Ali (AS)

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Akalim of Amirul Mumineen Maulana Ali (AS)

The Ignorant And The Foolish

1. An ignorant person is never found to be anything but falling short or excessive.

1. An ignorant person is never found to be anything but falling short or excessive.

1 اَلجاهِلُ لَنْ يُلْقى أبَداً إلا مُفَرِّطاً، أو مُفْرِطاً.

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2. Neither does an ignorant restrain himself [from wrongdoing] nor does he benefit from good advice.

2. Neither does an ignorant restrain himself [from wrongdoing] nor does he benefit from good advice.

2 اَلجاهِلُ لايَرْتَدِعُ، وبِالمَواعِظِ لا يَنْتَفِعُ.

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3. An ignorant person is one who obeys his vain desires in disobedience to his Lord.

3. An ignorant person is one who obeys his vain desires in disobedience to his Lord.

3 اَلجاهِلُ مَنْ أطاعَ هَواهُ في مَعصيَةِ رَبِّهِ.

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4. The ignorant person feels aversion towards that which the wise person feels at ease with.

4. The ignorant person feels aversion towards that which the wise person feels at ease with.

4 اَلجاهِلُ يَسْتَوْحِشُ مِمّا يَأنَسُ بِه الحَكيْمُ.

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6. An ignorant person does not recognize his failure and does not accept the [good] advice given to him.

6. An ignorant person does not recognize his failure and does not accept the [good] advice given to him.

6 اَلجاهِلُ لا يَعْرِفُ تَقْصيرَهُ، وَلايَقْبَلُ مِنَ النَّصيحِ لهُ.

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7. An ignorant person relies on his hopes and is negligent in his actions.

7. An ignorant person relies on his hopes and is negligent in his actions.

7 اَلجاهِلُ يَعْتَمِدُ عَلى أمَلِهِ، ويُقَصِّرُ في عَمَلِهِ.

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5. The ignorant person does not understand the learned because he [himself] was never learned before.

5. The ignorant person does not understand the learned because he [himself] was never learned before.

5 اَلجاهِلُ لايَعْرِفُ العالِمَ لأنَّهُ لَمْ يَكُنْ قَبْلُ عالِماً.

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8. The ignorant person is like a rock through which water does not gush forth, and a tree, the branches of which do not become green, and a ground upon which foliage is not found.

8. The ignorant person is like a rock through which water does not gush forth, and a tree, the branches of which do not become green, and a ground upon which foliage is not found.

8 اَلجاهِلُ صَخْرَةٌ لا يَنْفَجِرُ ماؤُها، وَشَجَرَةٌ لايَخْضَرُّعُودُها، وأرضٌ لايَظهَرُ عُشْبُها.

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