Ghurar al-Hikam

Akalim of Amirul Mumineen Maulana Ali (AS)

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Akalim of Amirul Mumineen Maulana Ali (AS)

The Hereafter

2. Occupying yourself with improving your Hereafter will save you from the chastisement of hellfire.

2. Occupying yourself with improving your Hereafter will save you from the chastisement of hellfire.

2 اِشتِغالُكَ بإصْلاحِ مَعادِكَ يُنْجيكَ مِنْ عَذابِ النَّارِ.

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3. The [true] winner is one who has sold this transitory life for the [eternal] Hereafter.

3. The [true] winner is one who has sold this transitory life for the [eternal] Hereafter.

3 الرَّابِحُ مَنْ باعَ العاجِلَةَ بِالآجِلَةِ.

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4. Wealth and children are the adornment of the life of this world whereas good deeds are the tillage of the Hereafter.

4. Wealth and children are the adornment of the life of this world whereas good deeds are the tillage of the Hereafter.

4 اَلمالُ وَالْبَنُونَ زينَةُ الحَيوةِ الدُّنيا، والعَمَلُ الصَّالِحُ حَرْثُ الآخِرَةِ.

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5. The conditions in this world are based on convention whereas the conditions in the Hereafter are based on merit.

5. The conditions in this world are based on convention whereas the conditions in the Hereafter are based on merit.

5 أحْوالُ الدُّنيا تَتْبَعُ الإتِّفاقَ وأحْوالُ الآخرةِ تَتْبَعُ الاِسْتِحْقاقَ.

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6. Surely in front of you is a difficult place of ascension in which one whose weight is lighter is in a better position than the one whose weight is heavier, and the one who moves slowly is worse off than the one who moves swiftly. Verily its landing will lead you to either Paradise or hell.

6. Surely in front of you is a difficult place of ascension in which one whose weight is lighter is in a better position than the one whose weight is heavier, and the one who moves slowly is worse off than the one who moves swiftly. Verily its landing will lead you to either Paradise or hell.

6 إنّ أمامَكَ عَقَبَةً كَؤُوداً، اَلمُخِفُّ فيها أحْسَنُ حالاً مِنَ المُثْقِلِ، والمُبْطِئُ عَلَيها أقْبَحُ أمْراً مِنَ المُسْرِعِ، إنّ مَهْبِطَها بِكَ لامُحالَةَ على جَنَّة أوْ نار.

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7. Verily the final destination is and this is enough of an admonition for the one who reasons, and [enough of] a warning for the one who is unaware; and after that – what you know of the torment of the Day of Judgment and the frightening terror, and the deafening of the ears, and the turning of the ribs, and the narrowness of the grave, and the intensity of sadness and heavy-heartedness.

7. Verily the final destination is and this is enough of an admonition for the one who reasons, and [enough of] a warning for the one who is unaware; and after that – what you know of the torment of the Day of Judgment and the frightening terror, and the deafening of the ears, and the turning of the ribs, and the narrowness of the grave, and the intensity of sadness and heavy-heartedness.

7 إنَّ الغايَةَ القيامَةُ، وكَفى بِذلِكَ واعِظاً لِمَنْ عَقَلَ، ومُعْتَبَراً لِمَنْ جَهِلَ، وبَعدَ ذلك ما تَعْلَمُونَ مِنْ هَوْلِ الْمُطَّلَعِ، وَرَوْعاتِ الفَزَعِ، واسْتِكاكِ الأسماعِ، وَاخْتِلافِ الأضلاعِ، وضيقِ الأرماسِ، وَشِدَّةِ الأبلاسِ.

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8. If you desire success and honor in the Hereafter, then take from the perishing [life of this world] for the everlasting [life of the Hereafter].

8. If you desire success and honor in the Hereafter, then take from the perishing [life of this world] for the everlasting [life of the Hereafter].

8 إنْ رَغِبْتُم في الفَوزِ وكَرامَةِ الآخِرَةِ فَخُذُوا في الفَناءِ لِلْبَقاءِ.

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9. Verily you are following the path of those who came before you, so put your efforts in [working for] your Hereafter and do not care for worldly gain.

9. Verily you are following the path of those who came before you, so put your efforts in [working for] your Hereafter and do not care for worldly gain.

9 إنَّكَ في سَبيلِ مَنْ كانَ قَبْلَكَ، فَاجْعَلْ جِدَّكَ لآخرَتِكَ، ولا تَكْتَرِثْ بِعَمَلِ الدُّنيا.

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