Ghurar al-Hikam

Akalim of Amirul Mumineen Maulana Ali (AS)

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Akalim of Amirul Mumineen Maulana Ali (AS)

The Brother, The Friend, The Associate And The Companion

261. Do not trust in a friend before testing him.

261. Do not trust in a friend before testing him.

261 لاتَعُدَّنََّّ صَديقاً مَنْ لا يُواسي بِمالِهِ.

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262. Do not count one who does not support [you] with his wealth as a friend.

262. Do not count one who does not support [you] with his wealth as a friend.

262 لاتَأمَنْ صَديقَكَ حتّى تَخْتَبِرَهُ وكُنْ مِنْ عَدُوِّكَ على أشَدِّ الحَذَرِ.

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263. Do not rely on your friend until you have tested him, and be extremely cautious of your enemy.

263. Do not rely on your friend until you have tested him, and be extremely cautious of your enemy.

263 مَنْ أحسنَ مُصاحَبَةَ الإخْوانِ اسْتدامَ مِنْهُمُ الوُصْلَةَ.

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264. One who keeps good ties [and company] with his brothers makes their bond [with him] last longer.

264. One who keeps good ties [and company] with his brothers makes their bond [with him] last longer.

264 مَنْ بَصََّركَ عَيْبَكَ وحَفِظَكَ في غَيْبِكَ فَهُوَ الصَّديقُ فَاحفَظْهُ.

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265. One who points out your faults to you and defends you in your absence, then is your true friend, so protect him.

265. One who points out your faults to you and defends you in your absence, then is your true friend, so protect him.

265 مَنْ لا صَديقَ لَهُ لا ذُخْرَ لَهُ.

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266. One who has no friend has no provision.

266. One who has no friend has no provision.

266 مَنْ دَعاكَ إلى الدَّارِ الباقِيَةِ وأعانَكَ علَى العَمَلِ لَها فَهُوَ الصَّديقُ الشَّفيقُ.

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267. One who calls you towards the Eternal Abode and assists you to work for it, then is indeed a caring friend.

267. One who calls you towards the Eternal Abode and assists you to work for it, then is indeed a caring friend.

267 مِنْ سُوءِ الاختيارِ صُحْبَةُ الأشْرارِ.

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268. One of the bad choices [that a person can make] is accompanying the wicked.

268. One of the bad choices [that a person can make] is accompanying the wicked.

268 ما تَأكَّدَتِ الحُرْمَةُ بِمِثلِ المُصاحَبَةِ والمُجاوَرَةِ.

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