Ghurar al-Hikam

Akalim of Amirul Mumineen Maulana Ali (AS)

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Akalim of Amirul Mumineen Maulana Ali (AS)

The Brother, The Friend, The Associate And The Companion

11. Brothers are an embellishment in times of ease and a [means of] support in times of tribulation.

11. Brothers are an embellishment in times of ease and a [means of] support in times of tribulation.

11اَلإخوانُ زينَةٌ فِي الرَّخاءِ وَعُدَّةٌ فِي البلاءِ.

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12. Worldly brothers are such that their affection is cut off as quickly as its causes are severed.

12. Worldly brothers are such that their affection is cut off as quickly as its causes are severed.

12 إخوانُ الدُّنيا تَنْقَطِعُ مَوَدَّتُهُمْ لِسُرْعَةِ انْقِطاعِ أسبابِها.

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13. The best of your brothers is he who supports you with his benevolence, and better than him is one who makes you needless of all other than him.

13. The best of your brothers is he who supports you with his benevolence, and better than him is one who makes you needless of all other than him.

13 خَيرُ إخْوانِكَ مَنْ واساكَ بِخيرِهِ وخَيرٌ منهُ مَنْ أغناكَ عَنْ غيرِهِ.

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15. The best brother is one whose brotherhood is not based on worldly gain.

15. The best brother is one whose brotherhood is not based on worldly gain.

15 خَيرُ الإخْوانِ مَنْ لَمْ تَكُنْ على الدُّنيا اُخُوَّتُهُ.

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16. The best brother is one whose affection is for the sake of Allah.

16. The best brother is one whose affection is for the sake of Allah.

16 خَيرُ الإخوانِ مَنْ كانَتْ في اللّهِ مَوَّدَتُه.

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17. The best brother is one after whose loss you would not like to remain [alive].

17. The best brother is one after whose loss you would not like to remain [alive].

17 خَيرُ الإخوانِ مَنْ إذا فَقَدْتَهُ لَمْ تُحِبَّ البَقاءَ بَعدَهُ.

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19. The best of your brothers is the one who exhorts you to speak the truth by his own veracity and compels you to perform the best deeds by his own good actions.

19. The best of your brothers is the one who exhorts you to speak the truth by his own veracity and compels you to perform the best deeds by his own good actions.

19 خَيرُ إخوانِكَ مَنْ دَعاكَ إلى صِدْقِ المَقالِ بِصِدقِ مَقالِهِ ونَدَبَكَ إلى أفْضلِ الأعمالِ بِحُسنِ أعمالهِ.

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20. The best of your brothers is the one who shows you the path of guidance, makes you acquire piety and prevents you from following your lowly desires.

20. The best of your brothers is the one who shows you the path of guidance, makes you acquire piety and prevents you from following your lowly desires.

20 خَيرُ إخوانِكَ مَنْ دَلَّكَ على هُدىً، وألبَسَكَ(أكْسَبَكَ) تُقىً، وَصَدَّكَ عَنْ إتّباعِ هَوىً.

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18. The best of your brothers is one who rushes towards good and pulls you towards it, and enjoins you to righteousness and assists you in it.

18. The best of your brothers is one who rushes towards good and pulls you towards it, and enjoins you to righteousness and assists you in it.

18 خيرُ إخوانِكَ مَنْ سارَعَ إلَى الخَيرِ وجَذَبَكَ إليه، وأمَرَكَ بِالبِرِّ وَأعانَكَ علَيْهِ.

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