Ghurar al-Hikam

Akalim of Amirul Mumineen Maulana Ali (AS)

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Akalim of Amirul Mumineen Maulana Ali (AS)

The Believer

11. When a believer is asked [for help], he helps, and when he asks [other for help], he is lenient [and does not overburden them].

11. When a believer is asked [for help], he helps, and when he asks [other for help], he is lenient [and does not overburden them].

11 اَلمُؤْمِنُ إذا سُئِلَ أسْعَفَ، وإذا سَألَ خَفَّفَ.

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12. A believer is wary of his sins, always fearing chastisement and hoping for the mercy of his Lord.

12. A believer is wary of his sins, always fearing chastisement and hoping for the mercy of his Lord.

12 اَلمُؤْمِنُ حَذِرٌ مِنْ ذُنُوبِهِ أبَداً يَخافُ البَلاءَ ويَرجُو رَحمَةَ رَبِّهِ.

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13. To a believer, this world is his arena, action is his endeavour, death is his gift and Paradise is his prize.

13. To a believer, this world is his arena, action is his endeavour, death is his gift and Paradise is his prize.

13 اَلمُؤْمِنُ الدُّنْيا مِضْمارُهُ، والعَمَلُ هِمَّتُهُ، والمَوتُ تُحْفَتُهُ، والجَنَّةُ سَبْقَتُهُ.

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14. A believer is one who has purified his heart of vileness.

14. A believer is one who has purified his heart of vileness.

14 المُؤْمِنُ مَنْ طَهَّرَ قَلْبَهُ مِنَ الدَنِيَّةِ(الريبَةِ).

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16. A believer is eager in [his] obedience [to Allah] and refrains from what is forbidden.

16. A believer is eager in [his] obedience [to Allah] and refrains from what is forbidden.

16 اَلمُؤْمِنُ عَلَى الطَّاعاتِ حَريصٌ، وعَنِ المَحارِمِ عَفٌّ.

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17. The soul of a believer is firmer than a hard rock while he is [himself] humbler than a slave.

17. The soul of a believer is firmer than a hard rock while he is [himself] humbler than a slave.

17 اَلمُؤْمِنُ نَفْسُهُ أصْلَبُ مِنَ الصَّلْدِ، وهُوَ أذَلُّ مِنَ العَبْدِ.

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18. When a believer observes, he takes lesson; and when he is quiet, he contemplates; and when he speaks, he remembers [Allah]; and when he is given, he is grateful; and when he undergoes hardship, he is patient.

18. When a believer observes, he takes lesson; and when he is quiet, he contemplates; and when he speaks, he remembers [Allah]; and when he is given, he is grateful; and when he undergoes hardship, he is patient.

18 اَلمؤمِنُ إذا نَظَرَ اعْتَبَرَ، وإذا سَكَتَ تَفَكَرَّ، وإذا تَكَلَّمَ ذَكَرَ، وَإذا اُعْطِيَ شَكَرَ، وإذَا ابْتُِليَ صَبَرَ.

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15. A believer is one whose affair is near, whose sorrow is distant, whose silence is much and whose actions are sincere.

15. A believer is one whose affair is near, whose sorrow is distant, whose silence is much and whose actions are sincere.

15 اَلمُؤْمِنُ قَريبٌ أمْرُهُ، بَعيدٌ هَمُّهُ، كَثيرٌ صَمْتُه، خالِصٌ عَمَلُهُ.

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19. When a believer is admonished, he restrains himself; and when he is warned, he becomes cautious; and when he is shown an example, he learns [from it]; and when he is reminded, he remembers; and when he is oppressed, he forgives.

19. When a believer is admonished, he restrains himself; and when he is warned, he becomes cautious; and when he is shown an example, he learns [from it]; and when he is reminded, he remembers; and when he is oppressed, he forgives.

19 اَلمُؤْمِنُ إذا وُعِظَ اِزْدَجَرَ، وإذا حُذِّرَ حَذِرَ، وإذا عُبِّرَ اِعْتَبَرَ، وإذا ذُكِّرَ ذَكَّرَ، وإذا اُظْلِمَ غَفَرَ.

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20. The persistence of a believer is [in] his renunciation [of worldly pleasures], his interest is [in] his religiosity, his dignity is [in] his contentment and his striving is for his Hereafter. His good deeds are many, his status is elevated and he has managed [to gain] his freedom and salvation.

20. The persistence of a believer is [in] his renunciation [of worldly pleasures], his interest is [in] his religiosity, his dignity is [in] his contentment and his striving is for his Hereafter. His good deeds are many, his status is elevated and he has managed [to gain] his freedom and salvation.

20 اَلمُؤْمِنُ دَأْبُهُ زِهادَتُهُ، وَهَمُّهُ دِيانَتُهُ، وعِزُّهُ قَناعَتُهُ، وجِدُّهُ لآخِرَتِهِ، قَد كَثُرَتْ حَسَناتُهُ، وعَلَتْ دَرَجاتُهُ، وشَارَفَ خَلاصَهُ ونَجاتَهُ.

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