Ghurar al-Hikam

Akalim of Amirul Mumineen Maulana Ali (AS)

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Akalim of Amirul Mumineen Maulana Ali (AS)

Sincerity And Devotion

18. Sincerity in action stems from strong faith and righteous intention.

18. Sincerity in action stems from strong faith and righteous intention.

18 إخْلاصُ العَمَلِ مِنْ قُوَّةِ اليَقينِ، وصَلاحِ النّيَّةِ.

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22. The true sincerity of a person makes his nearness [to Allah] greater and his reward abundant.

22. The true sincerity of a person makes his nearness [to Allah] greater and his reward abundant.

22 صِدْقُ إخْلاصِ المَرْءِ يُعْظِمُ زُلْفَتَهُ ويُجْزِلُ مَثُوبَتَهُ.

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23. Blessed is one who anticipates his death and makes his actions sincere.

23. Blessed is one who anticipates his death and makes his actions sincere.

23 طُوبى لِمَنْ بادَرَ أجَلَهُ وأخْلَصَ عَمَلَهُ.

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24. Blessed is he who makes his knowledge, his actions, his love, his hatred, his taking, his leaving, his speech and his silence sincere for [attaining the pleasure of] Allah.

24. Blessed is he who makes his knowledge, his actions, his love, his hatred, his taking, his leaving, his speech and his silence sincere for [attaining the pleasure of] Allah.

24 طُوبى لِمَنْ أخْلَصَ لِلّهِ عِلْمَهُ، وعَمَلَهُ، وحُبَّهُ، وبُغْضَهُ، وأخْذَهُ، وَتَرْكَهُ وكَلامَهُ، وصَمْتَهُ.

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25. Blessed is he who proceeds with sincerity, acts with righteousness, acquires the reserves [for the Hereafter] and eschews [the disobedience of Allah] cautiously.

25. Blessed is he who proceeds with sincerity, acts with righteousness, acquires the reserves [for the Hereafter] and eschews [the disobedience of Allah] cautiously.

25 طُوبى لِمَنْ قَدَّمَ خالِصاً، وعَمِلَ صالِحاً،وَ اكْتَسَبَ مَذْخُوراً، وَاجْتَنَبَ مَحذُوراً.

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26. You must espouse true sincerity and complete certitude, for these two are the best forms of worship of the Near Ones [to Allah].

26. You must espouse true sincerity and complete certitude, for these two are the best forms of worship of the Near Ones [to Allah].

26 عَلَيْكُمْ بِصِدقِ الإخْلاصِ، وحُسْنِ اليَقينِ، فَإنَّهما أفضَلُ عِبادَةِ المُقَرَّبينَ.

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27. The goal of sincerity is [attaining] deliverance [from the punishment of Allah].

27. The goal of sincerity is [attaining] deliverance [from the punishment of Allah].

27 غايَةُ الإخْلاصِ الخَلاصُ.

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28. It is for making actions sincere that the people of intellect and understanding contend.

28. It is for making actions sincere that the people of intellect and understanding contend.

28 فِي اخْلاصِ الأعمالِ تَنافُسُ اُولِي النُّهى والألْبابِ.

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30. One who devotes himself sincerely to Allah gains support for his life in this world and his Hereafter.

30. One who devotes himself sincerely to Allah gains support for his life in this world and his Hereafter.

30 مَنْ أخْلَصَ لِلّهِ اسْتَظْهَرَ لِمَعاشِهِ ومَعادِهِ.

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31. One whose action is not accompanied with sincerity, [his action] is not accepted.

31. One whose action is not accompanied with sincerity, [his action] is not accepted.

31 مَنْ لَمْ يَصْحَبِ الإخْلاصُ عَمَلَهُ لَمْ يُقْبَلْ.

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