Ghurar al-Hikam

Akalim of Amirul Mumineen Maulana Ali (AS)

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Akalim of Amirul Mumineen Maulana Ali (AS)


1. Silence covers you with dignity and suffices as your provision for seeking pardon.

1. Silence covers you with dignity and suffices as your provision for seeking pardon.

1 الصَّمْتُ يُكْسِيكَ الوَقارَ، ويَكْفِيكَ مَؤُنَةَ الاِعتِذارِ.

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3. Espouse silence and your thoughts will remain hidden (or will become illuminated).

3. Espouse silence and your thoughts will remain hidden (or will become illuminated).

3 اِلْزَمِ الصَّمْتَ، يَسْتُرْ (يَسْتَنِرْ) فِكْرُكَ

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6. Espouse silence and you will be accompanied by safety and security; espouse contentment and you will be accompanied by prosperity and honour.

6. Espouse silence and you will be accompanied by safety and security; espouse contentment and you will be accompanied by prosperity and honour.

6 اِلْزَمِ الصَّمْتَ، يَلْزَمْكَ النَّجاةُ والسَّلامَةُ، وَالْزَمِ الرِّضا يَلْزَمْكَ الغَناءُ وَالكَرامَةُ.

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7. Espouse silence and be patient with contentment for the little provision [that you have], [and as a result] you will become great (or your will overcome) in your world and will become great in your Hereafter.

7. Espouse silence and be patient with contentment for the little provision [that you have], [and as a result] you will become great (or your will overcome) in your world and will become great in your Hereafter.

7 اِلْزَمِ السُّكُوتَ، واصْبِرْ عَلى القَناعَةِ بِأيْسَرِ القُوتِ تَعِزَّ(تَغِزَّ) في دُنْياكَ وتَعِزَّ في أُخْريكَ.

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9. Remaining silent when speech is inappropriate is more praiseworthy than eloquence.

9. Remaining silent when speech is inappropriate is more praiseworthy than eloquence.

9 أحْمَدُ مِنَ البَلاغَةِ الصَّمْتُ حينَ لايَنْبَغِي الكَلامُ.

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