Ghurar al-Hikam

Akalim of Amirul Mumineen Maulana Ali (AS)

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Akalim of Amirul Mumineen Maulana Ali (AS)

Religion And Sharia Law

91. Keep your religions unsullied by uncertainties and safeguard yourselves from situations of destructive doubts.

91. Keep your religions unsullied by uncertainties and safeguard yourselves from situations of destructive doubts.

91 نَزِّهُوا أدْيانَكُمْ عَنِ الشُّبَهاتِ، وصُونُوا أنْفُسَكُمْ عَنْ مَواقِعِ الرَّيبِ المُوبِقاتِ.

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92. The structure of religion is [based on] opposing vain desires and keeping away from [the unlawful pleasures of] this world.

92. The structure of religion is [based on] opposing vain desires and keeping away from [the unlawful pleasures of] this world.

92 نِظامُ الدّينِ مُخالَفَةُ الهَوى، والتَّنَزُّهُ عَنِ الدُّنيا.

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93. The structure of religion is [based on] two qualities: your impartiality towards yourself and supporting your brethren.

93. The structure of religion is [based on] two qualities: your impartiality towards yourself and supporting your brethren.

93 نِظامُ الدّينِ خَصْلَتانِ: إنْصافُكَ مِنْ نَفْسِكَ، ومُواساةُ إخْوانِكَ.

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95. In describing the religion of Islam [he (‘a) said]: It is the brightest of all paths, the clearest [and most illuminated] of all passages; it is an elevated land, [with] a lofty peak.

95. In describing the religion of Islam [he (‘a) said]: It is the brightest of all paths, the clearest [and most illuminated] of all passages; it is an elevated land, [with] a lofty peak.

95 في ذِكْرِ دينِ الإسْلامِ: هُوَ أبْلَجُ المَناهِجِ، نَيِّرُ الوَلائِجِ، مُشْرِفُ الأقْطارِ، رَفيعُ الغايَةِ.

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97. Do not be neglectful of your religion and eager for your world by seeking more of that which will not last for you and less of that which will last for you, for this will lead you to severe chastisement [in the Hereafter].

97. Do not be neglectful of your religion and eager for your world by seeking more of that which will not last for you and less of that which will last for you, for this will lead you to severe chastisement [in the Hereafter].

97 لا تَكُنْ غافِلاً عَنْ دينِكَ، حَريصاً على دُنياكَ، مُسْتَكْثِراً مِمّا لا يَبْقى عَلَيْكَ، مُسْتَقِلاًّ مِمّا يَبْقى لَكَ، فَيُورِدَكَ ذلِكَ العَذابَ الشَّديدَ.

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100. The religiousness of a man is deduced by the virtue of his God-wariness and the truth of his piety.

100. The religiousness of a man is deduced by the virtue of his God-wariness and the truth of his piety.

100 يُسْتَدَلُّ على دينِ الرَّجُلِ بِحُسْنِ تَقْواهُ وصِدْقِ وَرَعِهِ.

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