Ghurar al-Hikam

Akalim of Amirul Mumineen Maulana Ali (AS)

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Akalim of Amirul Mumineen Maulana Ali (AS)

Mode Of Conduct

4. Good conduct is the beauty of power and the fortress of authority.

4. Good conduct is the beauty of power and the fortress of authority.

4 حُسْنُ السِّيرَةِ جَمالُ القُدْرَةِ وَ حِصْنُ الاِمْرَةِ.

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7. Woe be to the one whose conduct is evil, whose authority is oppressive, and who tyrannizes and infringes upon the rights [of those who are under him].

7. Woe be to the one whose conduct is evil, whose authority is oppressive, and who tyrannizes and infringes upon the rights [of those who are under him].

7 وَيْلٌ لِمَنْ ساءَتْ سيرَتُهُ، وَ جارَتْ مَلَكَتُهُ وَ تَجَبَّرَ وَ اعْتَدى.

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