Ghurar al-Hikam

Akalim of Amirul Mumineen Maulana Ali (AS)

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Akalim of Amirul Mumineen Maulana Ali (AS)

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71. Why is it that I see you as bodies without souls, and souls without prosperity, and devotees without righteousness, and traders without profits?!

71. Why is it that I see you as bodies without souls, and souls without prosperity, and devotees without righteousness, and traders without profits?!

71 مالي أراكُمْ أشْباحاً بِلا أرْواح، وأرْواحاً بِلا فَلاح، ونُسّاكاً بِلا صَلاح، وَتُجّاراً بِلا أرْباح.

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72. Time betrays its companion and does not please the one who blames it.

72. Time betrays its companion and does not please the one who blames it.

72 اَلزَّمانُ يَخُونُ صاحِبَهُ ولايَسْتَعْتِبُ لِمَنْ عاتَبَهُ.

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73. When the epoch becomes corrupt, the wicked gain mastery [over the people].

73. When the epoch becomes corrupt, the wicked gain mastery [over the people].

73 إذا فَسَدَ الزَّمانُ سادَ اللِّئامُ.

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75. One who busies himself with [the worldly activities of his] lifetime becomes occupied by it [and pays no heed to the Hereafter].

75. One who busies himself with [the worldly activities of his] lifetime becomes occupied by it [and pays no heed to the Hereafter].

75 مَنْ تَشاغَلَ بِالزَّمانِ شَغَلَهُ.

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76. Whoever feels safe from time is betrayed by it and whoever regards it as great is humiliated by it.

76. Whoever feels safe from time is betrayed by it and whoever regards it as great is humiliated by it.

76 مَنْ أمِنَ الزَّمانَ خانَهُ، ومَنْ أعْظَمَهُ أهانَهُ.

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