Ghurar al-Hikam

Akalim of Amirul Mumineen Maulana Ali (AS)

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Akalim of Amirul Mumineen Maulana Ali (AS)

Hopes And Aspirations

53. No one lengthens his hopes except that he [also] curtails his actions.

53. No one lengthens his hopes except that he [also] curtails his actions.

53 ما أطالَ أحدٌ في الأمَلِ إلاّ قَصََّر فِي العَمَلِ.

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54. What is the matter with you? You hope for that which you do not achieve, amass wealth which you do not use and build houses which you do not occupy!

54. What is the matter with you? You hope for that which you do not achieve, amass wealth which you do not use and build houses which you do not occupy!

54 ما لَكُمْ تُؤَمِّلُونَ ما لاتُدْرِكُونَهُ، وتَجْمَعُونَ مالا تأكُلُونَهُ، وَتَبْنُونَ ما لا تَسْكُنُونَهُ؟

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55. No one lengthens his hopes except that he forgets death and performs evil actions.

55. No one lengthens his hopes except that he forgets death and performs evil actions.

55 ماأطال اَحَدٌ الأمَلَ إلاَّ نَسيَ الأجَلَ، وأساءَ العَمَلَ.

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57. Let aspirations and ploys not deceive you, for this suffices as ineptness.

57. Let aspirations and ploys not deceive you, for this suffices as ineptness.

57 لا تَغُرَّنَّكَ الأمانيُّ والخُدَعُ، فَكفى بِذلِكَ خُرْقاً.

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