Ghurar al-Hikam

Akalim of Amirul Mumineen Maulana Ali (AS)

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Akalim of Amirul Mumineen Maulana Ali (AS)

Gratitude And The Grateful

81. One who continues showing gratitude makes the goodness [and blessing] last.

81. One who continues showing gratitude makes the goodness [and blessing] last.

81 مَنْ أدامَ الشُّكْرَ اِسْتَدامَ البِرَّ.

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82. One who is bestowed with a blessing and gives thanks for it is like the one who is tried with difficulties and bears them patiently.

82. One who is bestowed with a blessing and gives thanks for it is like the one who is tried with difficulties and bears them patiently.

82 مَنْ أُنْعِمَ عَلَيْهِ فَشَكَرَ كَمَنِ ابْتُلِيَ فَصَبَرَ.

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83. One who shows gratitude for [and act of] kindness has indeed fulfilled its right.

83. One who shows gratitude for [and act of] kindness has indeed fulfilled its right.

83 مَنْ شَكَرَ المَعْرُوفَ، فَقَدْ قَضى حَقَّهُ.

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84. When someone thanks you without [your having done him] a good turn, then do not consider yourself safe from his censure without any breach.

84. When someone thanks you without [your having done him] a good turn, then do not consider yourself safe from his censure without any breach.

84 مَنْ شَكَرَكَ مِنْ غَيْرِ صَنيعَة فَلا تَأمَنْ ذَمَّهُ مِنْ غَيْرِ قَطيعَة.

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85. Whoever thanks the one who favours him has indeed recompensed him.

85. Whoever thanks the one who favours him has indeed recompensed him.

85 مَنْ شَكَرَ مَنْ أنْعَمَ عَلَيْهِ فَقَدْ كافاهُ.

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86. One who does not show gratitude for favours should be counted [as being] from the livestock [rather than being human].

86. One who does not show gratitude for favours should be counted [as being] from the livestock [rather than being human].

86 مَنْ لَمْ يَشْكُرِ الإنْعامَ فَلْيُعَدَّ مِنَ الأنْعامِ.

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87. One who shows gratitude without any favor, censures without any wrongdoing?

87. One who shows gratitude without any favor, censures without any wrongdoing?

87 مَنْ شَكَرَ عَلى غَيْرِ إحْسان ذَمَّ عَلى غَيْرِ اِساءَة.

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88. Whoever makes the effort to show concern for you, then make the effort to show him your gratitude?

88. Whoever makes the effort to show concern for you, then make the effort to show him your gratitude?

88 مَنْ بَذَلَ لَكَ جُهْدَ عِنايَتِهِ فَابْذُلْ لَهُ جُهْدَ شُكْرِكَ.

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89. One who guards (or mixes) blessings with gratitude is surrounded by more [blessings].

89. One who guards (or mixes) blessings with gratitude is surrounded by more [blessings].

89 مَنْ حاطَ(خَلَطَ) النِّعَمَ بِالشُّكْرِ حيطَ بِالمَزيدِ.

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90. One who does not begird [his] blessings by being grateful for them has indeed exposed them to cessation.

90. One who does not begird [his] blessings by being grateful for them has indeed exposed them to cessation.

90 مَنْ لَمْ يُحِطِ النِّعَمَ بِالشُّكْرِ لَها فَقَدْ عَرَّضَها لِزَوالِها.

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