Ghurar al-Hikam

Akalim of Amirul Mumineen Maulana Ali (AS)

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Akalim of Amirul Mumineen Maulana Ali (AS)


2. For everyone who enters [into an unfamiliar place] there is consternation and perplexity.

2. For everyone who enters [into an unfamiliar place] there is consternation and perplexity.

2 لِكُلِّ داخِل دَهْشَةٌ وذُهُولٌ.

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3. For everyone who enters there is [a feeling of] consternation, so begin with .

3. For everyone who enters there is [a feeling of] consternation, so begin with .

3 لِكُلِّ داخِل دَهْشَةٌ فَابْدَأوا بِالسَّلامِ.

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4. Everyone who arrives has [a feeling of] perplexity, so make him comfortable with [kind] words.

4. Everyone who arrives has [a feeling of] perplexity, so make him comfortable with [kind] words.

4 لِكُلِّ قادِم حَيْرَةٌ فَابْسُطُوهُ بِالكَلامِ.

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