Ghurar al-Hikam

Akalim of Amirul Mumineen Maulana Ali (AS)

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Akalim of Amirul Mumineen Maulana Ali (AS)

Doubt And Misgiving

32. When suspicion appears, thoughts [about others] become negative.

32. When suspicion appears, thoughts [about others] become negative.

32 إذا ظَهَرَتِ الرِّيْبَةُ سائَتِ الظُّنُونُ.

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33. Abandon that which causes you to doubt for that which does not cause you to doubt.

33. Abandon that which causes you to doubt for that which does not cause you to doubt.

33 دَعْ ما يُريبُكَ إلى ما لا يُريبُكَ.

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34. Let your inquiry into doubtful matters be conclusive, for indeed the one who falls into them becomes confounded.

34. Let your inquiry into doubtful matters be conclusive, for indeed the one who falls into them becomes confounded.

34 لِيَصْدُقْ تَحَرّيكَ فِي الشُّبَهاتِ فَإنَّ مَنْ وَقَعَ فيها اِرْتَبَكَ.

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35. The sceptic has no religion and the backbiter has no magnanimity.

35. The sceptic has no religion and the backbiter has no magnanimity.

35 لادينَ لِمُرْتاب، وَلا مُرُوَّةَ لِمُغْتاب.

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