Ghurar al-Hikam

Akalim of Amirul Mumineen Maulana Ali (AS)

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Akalim of Amirul Mumineen Maulana Ali (AS)

Being Cheerful And Smiling

11. By cheerfulness and keeping a smiling face, the act of giving becomes virtuous.

11. By cheerfulness and keeping a smiling face, the act of giving becomes virtuous.

11 بِالبِشْرِ وبَسْطِ الوَجْهِ يَحْسُنُ مَوْقِعُ البَذْلِ.

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12. Your cheerfulness is your first righteous act and your promise is your first gift.

12. Your cheerfulness is your first righteous act and your promise is your first gift.

12 بِشْرُكَ أوَّلُ بِرِّكَ ووَعْدُكَ أوَّلُ عَطائِكَ.

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13. Your cheerfulness shows the nobility of your soul and your humility points to your righteous character.

13. Your cheerfulness shows the nobility of your soul and your humility points to your righteous character.

13 بِشرُكَ يَدُلُّ على كَرَمِ نَفْسِكَ، وتَواضُعُكَ يُنْبِئُ عَنْ شريفِ خُلْقِكَ.

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14. Being cheerful is the first gift and the easiest [form of] generosity.

14. Being cheerful is the first gift and the easiest [form of] generosity.

14 حُسْنُ البِشرِ أوَّلُ العَطاءِ، وأسْهَلُ السَّخاءِ.

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19. Smiling with cheerfulness, [practicing] benevolence, [performing] righteous actions and bestowing greetings invites the love of the people.

19. Smiling with cheerfulness, [practicing] benevolence, [performing] righteous actions and bestowing greetings invites the love of the people.

19 طِلاقَةُ الوَجهِ بِالبِشرِ والعَطيَّةِ وفِعْلِ البِرِّ وبَذْلِ التَّحيَّةِ داع إلى مََحَبَّةِ البَريَّةِ.

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