253. Do not permit yourself to submit to vain desires or to prefer the pleasures of this world such that your faith gets corrupted and cannot be reformed and your soul loses and does not gain.
253. Do not permit yourself to submit to vain desires or to prefer the pleasures of this world such that your faith gets corrupted and cannot be reformed and your soul loses and does not gain.
253 لاتُرَخِّصْ لِنَفْسِكَ في مُطاوَعَةِ الهَوى وإيثارِ لَذّاتِ الدُّنيا فَيَفْسُدَ دينُكَ ولايَصْلُحَ وتَخْسُرَ نَفْسُكَ ولا تَرْبَحَ.