97. Do not be neglectful of your religion and eager for your world by seeking more of that which will not last for you and less of that which will last for you, for this will lead you to severe chastisement [in the Hereafter].

97. Do not be neglectful of your religion and eager for your world by seeking more of that which will not last for you and less of that which will last for you, for this will lead you to severe chastisement [in the Hereafter].

97 لا تَكُنْ غافِلاً عَنْ دينِكَ، حَريصاً على دُنياكَ، مُسْتَكْثِراً مِمّا لا يَبْقى عَلَيْكَ، مُسْتَقِلاًّ مِمّا يَبْقى لَكَ، فَيُورِدَكَ ذلِكَ العَذابَ الشَّديدَ.

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