372. Let not the greatest thing that you achieve in this world be the attainment of pleasures and the quelling of rage, rather let it be the enlivening of truth and the annihilation of falsehood.

372. Let not the greatest thing that you achieve in this world be the attainment of pleasures and the quelling of rage, rather let it be the enlivening of truth and the annihilation of falsehood.

372 لايَكُونَنَّ أفْضَلَ ما نِلْتَ مِنْ دُنياكَ بُلوغَ لَذَّة، وشِفاءَ غَيْظ، ولْيَكُنْ إحياءَ حَقّ، وإماتَةِ باطل.

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