3. [It is narrated that at one time some people looked at a passing woman with lust, at which point the Imam (‘a) said:] Verily the eyes of these virile males are covetous and this glancing is the cause of their lust. Whenever any of you sees a woman whom he finds attractive, he should go to his wife, because she [too] is a woman like her.

3. [It is narrated that at one time some people looked at a passing woman with lust, at which point the Imam (‘a) said:] Verily the eyes of these virile males are covetous and this glancing is the cause of their lust. Whenever any of you sees a woman whom he finds attractive, he should go to his wife, because she [too] is a woman like her.

3 إنَّ أبصارَ هذِهِ الفُحُولِ طوامِحُ، وهُوَ سَبَبُ هَبابِها، فإذا نَظَرَ أحَدُكُمْ إلَى امْرَأة فَأعْجَبَتْهُ، فَلْيَمُسَّ أهْلَهُ. فَإنَّما هيَ امْرأةٌ بِامْرَأة.

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