19. When a believer is admonished, he restrains himself; and when he is warned, he becomes cautious; and when he is shown an example, he learns [from it]; and when he is reminded, he remembers; and when he is oppressed, he forgives.

19. When a believer is admonished, he restrains himself; and when he is warned, he becomes cautious; and when he is shown an example, he learns [from it]; and when he is reminded, he remembers; and when he is oppressed, he forgives.

19 اَلمُؤْمِنُ إذا وُعِظَ اِزْدَجَرَ، وإذا حُذِّرَ حَذِرَ، وإذا عُبِّرَ اِعْتَبَرَ، وإذا ذُكِّرَ ذَكَّرَ، وإذا اُظْلِمَ غَفَرَ.

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