9. The fulfilling of needs is not made righteous except by three things: by considering it to be small such that it becomes great, by hiding it such that it is made apparent [by Allah] and by expediting it such that it becomes felicitous.

9. The fulfilling of needs is not made righteous except by three things: by considering it to be small such that it becomes great, by hiding it such that it is made apparent [by Allah] and by expediting it such that it becomes felicitous.

9 لا يَسْتَقِيمُ قَضاءُ الحَوائِجِ إلاّ بِثَلاث: بِتَصْغِيرِها لِتَعْظُمَ، وسَتْرِها لِتَظْهَرَ، وتَعْجِيلِها لِتَهْنَأَ.

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