8. Verily one whose riding mount is the night and day is carried [forward] by it even when he is stationary, and he traverses the distance even if he is settled in one place.

8. Verily one whose riding mount is the night and day is carried [forward] by it even when he is stationary, and he traverses the distance even if he is settled in one place.

8 إنَّ مَنْ كانَ مَطِيَّتَهُ اللَّيلُ والنَّهارُ، فَإنَّهُ يُسارُ بِهِ وإنْ كانَ واقِفاً، وَيَقْطَعُ المَسافَةَ وإنْ كانَ مُقيماً وادِعاً.

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